Midsommar Teil 3: IKEA-Erdbeer-Pannkakstårta


MIDSOMMAR ist in Schweden fast so wichtig wie Weihnachten. Denn auch an diesem Termin kommt die ganze Familie zusammen und es wird festlich geschmaust. Von eingelegtem Hering über Flusskrebse, Knäckebrot bis zu richtig leckerem Nachtisch: zum Beispiel Erdbeertörtchen mit Sahne.

Strawberry tarts of all shapes and sizes are a great tradition at MIDSOMMAR in Sweden, as they are made with the first strawberries of the year. That's why IKEA showed its customers in Berlin from June 11 to 25 how they can make their own strawberry pannkakstårta with IKEA products. The recipe is easy to make and invites you to join in spontaneously as you pass by. IKEA was supported by TRUST Promotion.

Two promoters with health certificates supervised this campaign in the IKEA stores in the (kitchen) exhibition/restaurant between 1pm and 7pm. They handed out small snacks and invited people to make pannkakstårta together.

The delicious aroma of the fresh dough spread and attracted customers, who quickly became fans of the traditional strawberry pannkakstårta and were no doubt eager to make more at home.