IAA 2021 in München – 9x verschiedene Auftraggeber
Die IAA Mobility im letzten Jahr war das Großereignis der Messe-und Veranstaltungsbranche: das erste Mal fand die weltgrößte Automobilmesse in München statt und war damit auch die erste große Trade fair seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie.
Promoters, organizers and visitors alike have been preparing for the ultimate Event of the automotive industry. However, due to the strict hygiene measures, the preparations were also a real challenge for everyone involved - which was mastered brilliantly and made the IAA an absolute success!
With our Agency We were able to work for a total of 9 different top customers with our Personnel and have provided over 375 people in the period from 01.09. to 12.09.2021.
Our customers include:
- BMW/MINI: commissioned as a service partner by the agency topteam
- Porsche
- Munich Trade Fair
- Thomas magnets
- Faurecia: commissioned as a service partner by the agency Joke Event
- Fraunhofer Society
- Ford: commissioned as a service partner by the Agency Imagination
- Hyundai: commissioned as a service partner by the agency INNOCEAN Worldwide
We had multilingual hostesses and hosts, dedicated and experienced promoters and charming guides on duty for all customers. TRUST staff also provided test drive support and specialist advice for the various customers. And our logisticians and helping hands were actively involved in the set-up, conversion and dismantling before, during and after the event.
Zu den vielfältigen Aufgaben auf der Messe selbst und den Open Spaces, die in der ganzen Innenstadt aufgebaut waren, gehörten u.a. die Standbetreuung und die Beantwortung von Fragen, die Wegeleitung der Gäste, die Betreuung der Fahrzeuge und der Teststrecken, die Gästebetreuung bei verschiedenen exklusiven Abendveranstaltungen, das Ausstellen von Besucherausweisen, die Kundenregistrierung und Besucherführungen an den einzelnen Ausstellungsständen. Außerdem war unser Personal an den Infoständen im Einsatz, hat alle Besucherfragen rund im die Trade fair beantwortet und kleine und große Probleme jederzeit souverän gelöst. Dazu kamen repräsentative Aufgaben, die Ausgabe von Geschenken und Give-aways, genauso wie deren Konfektionierung sowie die Koordination an den Ständen.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and partner agencies for commissioning us and placing their trust in us: the IAA 2021 was an incomparable experience for us as an agency and the great cooperation and excellent joint preparation gave us great pleasure!
And of course we would like to thank our Personnel who really did a great job! Both in the preparations and during the fair: You did a really great job! We say THANK YOU!
Wir freuen uns jetzt auf ein spannendes Messe- und Eventjahr 2022 und sind optimistisch, dass in den kommenden Monaten endlich wieder viel mehr Live-Begegnungen möglich sein werden!
We promise you, our customers, our absolute commitment and reliable personnel quality, which is regularly ensured by our two quality managers, Lisa Ladewig and Aylin Jochum, through regular castings and onboardings.
Our project managers in our Berlin office and at our head office in Munich look forward to receiving your personnel inquiries: whether for a trade fair, an event, a Promotionroadshows or tastings.
And finally, of course, we want to let our management team, founder and owner Meike Klaebe-Leuchtner and Managing Director Maik Schrader, have their say:
"We were particularly pleased with the large and extensive personnel orders for the IAA 2021, directly from renowned customers and partner agencies, because they show that trust is not just a word in our company name, but is actually lived and implemented. Both from us in our staff and from our customers in us as a company and personnel service provider.
We have now been operating for over 21 years as Recruitment agency on the market - especially in these difficult times, this is not a matter of course and we are very grateful for the trust placed in us. Great things can only be achieved together - and we still have a lot to do: we will and want to continue to live up to this trust! TRUST us!