ECCO shoe collection fall/winter 2019


Launch of the ECCO fall/winter 2019 shoe collection - we were there

Im Oktober war unser TRUST Promotion Team again in a great Event involved. The ECCO shoe collection for fall/winter 2019 was presented. Helping Hands and promoters were out and about in 12 cities (Berlin, Flensburg, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig, Dortmund, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg, Karlsruhe, Bremen, Frankfurt) on 24 and 25 October 2019 to draw attention to the new shoes.

TRUST Promotion tasks - varied and exciting

Our team took on a wide range of tasks. First of all, we were busy with the development, conception and provision. We were also responsible for the branding of the boller wagons and pullovers, which we at TRUST Promotion GmbH implemented to the fullest satisfaction. Not to forget the commitment of our reliable promoters and helping hands, without whom the event would not have worked. Thank you at this point for your great performance.

New shoe collection presented - a great success

Our reliable and friendly promoters were fully absorbed in their roles at each location. In the city centers in front of the ECCO stores, the friendly and agile team (5 PAX per location) managed to make people aware of and curious about the Fall/Winter 2019 collection. The launch of the new shoes was a complete success. Both our promotion team and the people passing by had fun and got to know the new collections. The goal was achieved.

Fancy a cool job?

Would you also like to be part of the next cool event? Register here on our website. We always have exciting projects on the go, so there's sure to be an interesting event for you too. Whether as Helping Hand, Host/ess, Promoter/in oder Servicekraft, die Auswahl an Jobs ist umfangreich. Traue dich und werde schon bald Teil des Teams von TRUST Promotion. Hier geht es lang, wenn du dich für einen Job im Bereich Trade fair and Event registrieren und bewerben would like.