Avery Zweckform setzt auf TRUST Promotion


Seit 2. April bis Ende Juni machen unsere Promoter von TRUST Promotion auf eine neue Linie von Avery Zweckform aufmerksam. In über 50 Baumärkten in Deutschland und Österreich stellen unsere Promoterinnen die neue Etikettenlinie „Living“ vor.

These labels from Avery Zweckform can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen, decoration, household and workshop, garden & co. as well as in the school sector. The products can be used for both decorating and labeling. And you can also win with this promotion. The promoters draw attention to a special competition - you can win a high-quality food processor, a kettle grill or a branded shopping basket. All that is required is a little creativity.

Examples of locations Weischlitz, St. Pölten and Vienna - and many more.